Monday, March 18, 2013

Plein Air Painting in the Spring by Pamela Blaies

6.5" x 5.5"

I enjoy painting in my comfortable studio - music on, no worries of outside elements interfering with my painting process. I've only done plein air (painting outside) a handful of times and that was years ago. I have many friends who prefer painting outdoors and I'm planning to go on a trip with some of them in May, so I recently purchased a travel easel. Yesterday I drove by a yard filled with gorgeous white irises , so I ran home to grab my new plein air stuff to try it out. It was a little awkward getting everything all set up and I was only able to paint for about 30 minutes, but it was fun! Here's the little study I finished. I don't know if I'll ever be a die hard, paint in the freezing snow kind of artist, but it sure is nice painting outside in the spring!

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