Matted Yellow Pear is done in oils and measures 3"x4". It is matted and framed and the whole piece measures 7"x5" and sits on a table or your desk. Perfect for gift giving or to keep and display in your kitchen.
This still life was done from a real life set up. I used Thalo Green,umbers,sienna and yellow orche + white. Done on a canvas hardboard panel that I make, the painting comes signed and ready to frame.
Click the photo to check out the auctions for these two Petite Paintings full of light and color. The Coneflowers were cut from a new flower garden I planted just this summer. These would look great hanging together as a pair.
Freshly Cut Coneflowers
6" x 4"
oil on linen
Freshly Cut Coneflower
6" x 4"
oil on linen
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North Texas Magazine is doing an article on PAINT (Professional Artists in North Texas) a group of 9 artists I am honored to be a part of. The magazine did a photo shoot of us all plein air painting at the beautiful Ft. Worth Botanical Gardens. Outdoor painting is exhilarating to me because it requires me to focus on the essentials of the feeling of the moment and not the details.
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After four, blissful days of rain and cool weather, the sun is shining brightly here again. I can't believe that it is almost the middle of July. Summer moves so quickly!
"Mary Janes" is a small still life oil painting describing a classic style of shoe worn by many tiny girls in the American society. I remember my first pair were purchased at "Kitty's Band Box" in Asheville, N.Carolina in the 1950's. From then on, with each new growth spurt we made a trip to the nearby town to be fitted for Mary Janes. Perhaps your little girl has a pair in her closet!! If not, she certainly should have"!
A beach in Mexico with my love and a cabin on the lake in Missouri with the family. Just returned home this week from a few weeks of travelling where I forced myself to relax and take a break from painting. Almost like art withdrawals after painting daily for several months. I was happy to return home, get back in the studio and see that Scarlett Ribbon received a FAV15 jury award for June! Check out the August Entry HERE.
I love to share my art and inspiration. Click HERE to sign up for my email newsletter and receive a free gift of postcards.
I the famous gentlemen frog who is draped here across this silly bowl am trying to figure out how
I got myself into this precarious situation. I am a ceramic frog. The
kind that hangs out on flower pots. I have been there pretty much since I
can remember then today she picked me up and placed me here across this
bowl. I don't like it as much. There are no pretty green flowers to
hide in. Why Am I Here....I just want to go back home.
I love this frog. I have had him for several years and I bought that
clear glass bottle at an antique mall a few months ago. Lovely together
right? Just like they were made for each other.
So excited to have completed the Petite Painting Project - 100 paintings in 100 days! I enjoyed the challenge and plan to continue creating Petite Paintings...however just not every day:) See all 100 here:
I love to share my art and inspiration. Click HERE to sign up for my email newsletter and receive a free gift of postcards.
This still life is part of my study in still life paintings. I am learning some new techniques. I started with a very textured dark background. I let that dry and drew my sketch. I painted the pear and everything behind first. IF you look close you can see all the textures. I hope you like the painting as much as I do.
These little boots belonged to my husband and his two brothers. The toes are scuffed, and the heels are worn. You can tell that they were well loved by all of the boys.
Birds circle the air in the spring and summer waiting to sample the menu at the birdfeeder in this painting. I love to watch this activity as I work at my kitchen window! I manage to slowly raise the window being careful not to startle the birds by snapping photographs of them before they fly away! In this small oil painting on canvas board, the bird at the top of the painting is waiting patiently for his turn to feed!
I am a tomato half hidden in the shadows. I am lying in wait just biding my time till I am needed.
You see that pin laying there on the table. Well that is my weapon. I
may seem weak but I am deadly when I need to be but honestly most can be
taken down with one little jab to the eye. Ok actually this is my day
off so all is safe.
Pansies in a can is my latest still life. I love how this just flowed for me. It is lovely in person and I hope you can see that. Pansies are such sweet flowers and remind me of my Aunt Leona. She always had pansies in her flower beds. It is funny how such memories are priceless.
I have so enjoyed having a birdfeeder in view of my kitchen window! There seems to be constant activity since the feeder borders the wooded area! Best Restaurant In Town, a small oil painting on panel, is inspired by the need to capture one of the habits of these tiny creatures!
This amazing bouquet was at my local grogery store on a winter's day in February. This painting shows only half the flowers that I brought home! I used the others for students to paint from and to decorate around the house.