All the Kings' Horses...12" x 16", Oil on Canvas
If you have questions regarding this painting please email me at paulapeacock@rocketmail.com
I've been thinking about doing this painting for years. I've had a fascination of nursery rhyme origins for quite some time. This painting is about the nursery rhyme, Humpty Dumpty. The following information is an excerpt from rhymes.org.uk;
"Humpty Dumpty was a term used in fifteenth century England describing someone who was obese. Humpty Dumpty was in fact believed to be a large cannon! It was used during the English Civil War ( 1642 - 1649).
A huge cannon, called Humpty Dumpty, was placed on the wall next to St Mary's Church. The historical events detailing the siege of Colchester are well documented - references to the cannon ( Humpty Dumpty) are as follows:
*St Mary's Church is fortified and a large cannon is placed on the roof which was fired by ‘One-Eyed Jack Thompson'
*July 14th / July 15th 1648 - The Royalist fort within the walls at St Mary's church is blown to pieces and their main cannon battery ( Humpty Dumpty) is destroyed.
*The Royalists lay down their arms, open the gates of Colchester and surrender to the Parliamentarians.
A shot from a Parliamentary cannon succeeded in damaging the wall beneath Humpty Dumpty which caused the cannon to tumble to the ground. The Royalists, or Cavaliers, 'all the King's men' attempted to raise Humpty Dumpty on to another part of the wall. However, because the cannon , or Humpty Dumpty, was so heavy ' All the King's horses and all the King's men couldn't put Humpty together again!' "
Could this painting refer to our present US government?
I hope you enjoy! Next up on the easel will be 'There was an Old Woman....'
To see more paintings like this visit my website; www.paulapeacock.com
Gallery representation;
Jane Hamilton Fine Art Gallery, Tucson, AZGore Creek Gallery, Vail, COYou may also find my work at;
Contemporary Fine Art InternationalContemporary Still Life InternationalStill Life Artists of ColoradoDaily Painters of Colorado