Three Hot Ones
100 Garden and Floral Oil Paintings, 84/100
6" x 6" Oil
$75.00 + $10. s/h
click to bid
"END OF SUMMER" SALE! All paintings purchased in the month of August will be marked down. My 8" x 10" oils will be on sale for $100.00. My 6" x 6" and 6" x 8" daily paintings will be on sale for $75.00. All other sizes are marked down as well. Please email if you are interested in a painting posted in the past and I will change the paypal button just for you!
I have quite a few of my paintings for sale at
Summerland Gardens. Not only does Summerland Gardens have flowers, great things for your garden, an incredible gift shop and an art gallery with work by local artists, but they also offer cooking classes. And, they are now roasting organically grown fresh green chiles from Hatch, New Mexico. (Ok, I should have mentioned this with my last post!) Hatch is known for it's large, meaty and distinctively flavored chiles. (I sound like a commercial!) They're fabulous! And available hot or mild, fresh or roasted, by the bushel or by the pound. So, back to the cooking classes....not sure what to do with green chiles? There is a green chile cooking class this Wednesday, August 24th! And, of course, new daily paintings of chiles! Now I really sound like a commercial! The roasting will continue into the fall.