Tuesday, May 31, 2011
"54 Strokes" By Kelli Miller
Last year I went to Carol Marine's workshop. Which was fantastic by the way! She had us count our brushstrokes. That way each stroke had a purpose. It was a great lesson for me. So, this little pear was done in 54 brushstrokes. :)
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Food:Still Life with Sausage by Cathyann Burgess
Sausage, Pepper and Onion©2011C.L.Burgess 10 x 10 oil on linen
The sausage was the challenge. Before I began to cook this delicious dinner, it occurred to me that I had never painted "sausage", ah, another excuse to explore a new red. I was reading about the introduction of the still life as genre in the 1600 by the Dutch. The French artist Chardin first influenced my exploration of this subject matter long ago, but clearly the Dutch painters were responsible for the growth and interest in the still life. Often containing symbolism about the transience nature of existence, later the genre really just spoke to commonplace everyday existence and the artist's interest in the shapes, color and forms of the objects in a given household.
I tried to mimic the realist style of the masters, directing the emergence of these forms from the subtle toned background. It is a painting that exalts the humble kitchen and meal still prepared in the 21st century much as it did in Chardin's time. This took more time to render than a usual daily painting that I do. This is indirect painting, building form from successive glazing over a tonal under painting.
Ok.... time to eat.
Cathyann Burgess,
realistic oil painting,
still life
Friday, May 27, 2011
Peonies and a Rose by Cathyann Burgess
Peonies and a Wild Rose©2011Cathyann Burgess 10 x 8 oil on canvas
Thursday, May 26, 2011
"Angel of Patience" by Artist Kelli Miller
6x6 oil nfs
A fellow artist gave me this Angel. I have put her in several of my larger still life paintings. But I thought she deserved to be the star of the show!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
"Green Leaf Study" by Sandy Bradford
8" x 10" Oil on Canvas Panel
$75 USD with Free Shipping
I sifted through a number of old photographs until I found this color foliage snap for the leaf close-up study that I had been wanting to paint for several days. I had already given up on the plein aire approach a few days ago because of the intense sunlight and wind that were not conducive to my plans.
I really liked this photo because of the clarity of detail, and subtle color changes.
I chose a limited color palette of oils, along with an 8" x 10" canvas panel. I struggled, in the beginning, with a rather detailed underpainting, then decided that I was fussing too much over the details. It was at this point that I began having fun with the painting, and actually liking the results that I was getting using these predominately cool hues.
I really liked this photo because of the clarity of detail, and subtle color changes.
I chose a limited color palette of oils, along with an 8" x 10" canvas panel. I struggled, in the beginning, with a rather detailed underpainting, then decided that I was fussing too much over the details. It was at this point that I began having fun with the painting, and actually liking the results that I was getting using these predominately cool hues.
100 Garden & Floral Oil Paintings, Original Artwork by Pam Holnback, 64/100
Mother's Day Trowel
8" x 8" oil on cradled panel
$195.00 + $10. s/h
8" x 8" oil on cradled panel
$195.00 + $10. s/h
This was my Mother's Day gift to myself last year. I needed it! Even with all of it's use, it still looks pretty new.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Gloria J Zucaro's "Strange Selection"
Tom Clancy's "Net Force", Mary ann Schaffer & Annie Barrow's "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society" and Rosslyn Elliot's "Fairer than Morning".
8" x 10" oil on canvas board
To see the full story of this painting, go to http://www.gloriajzucaro.blogspot.com/
Saturday, May 21, 2011
1463 Hello Titch!
10" x 8" oil on panel, unframed to purchase click HERE
This pepper gang have been infiltrated by this little 'Limey' and they sure don't know what to make of him!
This pepper gang have been infiltrated by this little 'Limey' and they sure don't know what to make of him!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Gloria J Zucaro's "Baby Silver"
6"H X 6"W Oil on Raymar Canvas Panel
My mother received this sterling silver baby cup in the 1940's with my name engraved on it. At the time these little cups or silver spoons were baby shower gifts.
It has been sitting in a closet for years, and I wonder if it was ever really used. You certainly couldn't put juice in it, and I can picture a baby biting on the metal.
I thought I would put it to use by adding a couple of little flowers.
"The Magnolia Bloom" by Sandy Bradford

I have a tall magnolia tree in my front yard. For a number of weeks now, it has been laden with the most gorgeous and wonderfully southern, gigantic blooms. Each time that I have passed by this tree, I have said to myself that I simply must paint one of those incredible blooms.
Yesterday I happened to see a new bloom within my reach. But, still I toyed with leaving it on the tree in its natural beauty. Ultimately, I couldn't resist cutting it down to paint a picture, in hopes of sharing its beauty through oils on my canvas.
I hope you enjoy it. I tried to keep the style loose and fresh.
Please visit my blog to view other similar available paintings:
Gloria J Zucaro's "Don't Touch My Stuff"
12"H x12"Wx1.75"D
This is my entry into this weeks daily paintworks challenge. We were to paint Dream Tolle Perry's "Kat" or the cats toys. I chose to do a couple of toys with a very possessive cat!
Peony Pinks by Cathyann Burgess
Peony Pinks©2011 C.L.Burgess 11x6 oil on paper
My neighbor is a physician and an avid gardener. He brought me this lovely flower from his garden before the deluge last night that would surely have pummeled it to pieces. A lovely surprise on an otherwise dismal afternoon lifted my spirits. Flowers can do that, as acts of pure generosity. Had to paint it. A fun filled alla prima hour for me.
Cathyann Burgess,
daily painter,
floral still life,
oil painting,
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
"Apple Face-Off" by Sandy Bradford

Still playing with these colorful apples. Couldn't resist the green and red combinations. Maybe next, for something a little different, I will fall in love with blue and yellow...we'll see.
This oil painting is a face-off between the Rome Apple and the Granny Smith. Does anybody remember the Dr. Seuss story about the Loraxes that wouldn't budge to allow the other to pass? Well, that is kinda what I had in mind when I did the set-up.
Thanks for visiting. As always, comments and suggestions are not only welcomed, but encouraged! See ya...
1462 Perfect Partners SOLD
5" x 10" oil on panel
Here's the Stilton I was telling you about in the last post, all gone now, perfect to be nibbled with these delicious grapes.
Here's the Stilton I was telling you about in the last post, all gone now, perfect to be nibbled with these delicious grapes.
Gloria J Zucaro's "Asian Magnolias"
8" x 6" Oil on canvas To Purchase, click here
I brought this little wooden sculpture of an Asian gentleman back from China in 2004.
Another artist and myself went on a Yangtze River Cruise to see the Three Gorges Dam project before everything was flooded. We had a wonderful time and were treated royally as we flew by Chinese Air around the country from Beijing to end our trip of 19 days in Hong Kong.
100 Garden & Floral Oil Paintings, Original Artwork by Pam Holnback, 65/100
Oh What A Slice!
6" x 6" Oil on panel
$100.00 + $10. s/h
I think that mangoes are delicious. Although, you definately have to floss immediately after eating! I've included this in my 100 Garden series, because when I lived in Bolivia, we had 2 huge mango trees in our yard.
Monday, May 16, 2011
"Racing Apples" by Kelli Miller
Don't these apples look like they are trying to escape? Maybe they are running away from the pairing knife:)
100 Garden & Floral Oil Paintings, Original Artwork by Pam Holnback, 63/100
Getting Ready
8" x 8" Oil on cradled panel
$195.00 + $10. s/h
8" x 8" Oil on cradled panel
$195.00 + $10. s/h
Due to living at 6,000 feet, much of our spring gardening starts in May. We can have a frost all the way up until Memorial Day.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Gloria J Zucaro's "QUICK LUNCH"
6"H x 6"W x 3/4"D
Oil on gallery wrapped canvas with finished sides, ready to hang or frame.
As I am on my way out the door for the day, I suddenly remember that I have forgotten to pack lunch. One of my favorite carry along lunches is a spoon, my trusty jar of peanut butter and an apple.
Daily Painting,
oil painting,
Peanut Butter,
still life,
1460 The Usual Suspects
5" x 10" oil on panel,unframed to purchase click HERE
I'm really enjoying these still lifes and have loads more ideas to come!
I'm really enjoying these still lifes and have loads more ideas to come!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Even Better by Pam Holnback
Even Better
6" x 6" Oil
$100.00 + $10. s/h
6" x 6" Oil
$100.00 + $10. s/h
And, I even bought more boxes of strawberries. The better to eat, the better to paint.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Gloria J Zucaro's "Enzo's Chair Redoux" -Fractured French for Re-Do!
A few years ago I bought a little three piece table and chairs set at a yard sale. I planned to paint it with a jungle theme. My son and his wife had had a mural painted by Peggy Graves for my baby grandson "Enzo". I wanted to put a monkey on one chair back and a lion on the other. I was going to give it to Enzo for his first birthday. A good friend Judy asked her husband Don if he would cut out those shapes and attach them to the chair backs for me. Don was very obliging and finished the project quickly. I had looked up some animal faces on-line under Google Images "monkey face". Well, duh!, I chose a chimpanzee and used that as my pattern and painted it on the chair back. But I thought it was a monkey and gave it a tail. It also looked very menacing and not right for a little child! (See Below) So today I changed my monkey to be more friendly! My son and his family will be moving into their larger home next week, so there will be room for Enzo's "new" table and chair set. Enzo's just had his third birthday...so I am not that late!
"Green Apple Slices" by Sandy Bradford
Wow! So glad to be able to use Blogger and Internet again! No access for a number of days...frustrating not to be able to post my daily paintings, and share my stories.
However, my own inconveniences pale in comparison to those of many here as the clean up continues in Tuscaloosa and Birmingham areas, following the devastation caused by the numerous tornadoes that recently ripped through Alabama. Many of us now have power, and modern conveniences like cable and Internet, but there are still many without homes, living in shelters. Thanks to all who have given so generously to help. We are all grateful for your kindness.
My apple theme continues with the painting seen here, as I sliced one of my Granny Smith apples, and set it up on a bright red background. Still love the look of green and red playing off one another.
Proceeds from the sell of this painting will be donated to Red Cross in support of the tornado victims.
Thanks for looking. Back soon with another painting.
1457 Snuggling Up!
5" x 10" = 12.7 x 25.4" oil on panel to purchase click HERE
At last back to painting!
I have had visitors for the last 10 days with a three day art exhibition in the middle of that, so it has been a busy couple of weeks, but now I'm back to doing what I love the most.
After having a bunch of my still lifes box framed, making them look really contemporary, they attracted a lot of attention and I received some very positive feedback at the recent exhibition and of course I made sales too which was very gratifying.
So I have decided where I will be focusing most of my attention for the near future, after feeling that I had no particular direction, it's great to have a focus and will see where this will lead me. All very exciting stuff!
At last back to painting!
I have had visitors for the last 10 days with a three day art exhibition in the middle of that, so it has been a busy couple of weeks, but now I'm back to doing what I love the most.
After having a bunch of my still lifes box framed, making them look really contemporary, they attracted a lot of attention and I received some very positive feedback at the recent exhibition and of course I made sales too which was very gratifying.
So I have decided where I will be focusing most of my attention for the near future, after feeling that I had no particular direction, it's great to have a focus and will see where this will lead me. All very exciting stuff!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
"Come Back Here" by Colorado Artist Kelli Miller
Oh how I love to paint apples. These three guys are friends but had a little misunderstanding. Hence the title. Not to worry, all is well with them now.
Weekly Challanges
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Gloria J Zucaro's "Celery Bouquet"

10"H x 8"W Oil on Raymar canvas panel
This is my challenge entry proffered by Diane Mannion, to paint and then eat your vegetables. Diane also recommended some execise and bringing back a little treasure from your after dinner walk....to paint at a later date. After a friend gave me a lone carnation, I decided to paint my already trimmed celery. It is standing in a little jug with water and its' one little carnation companion.
One Of My Favorites by Pam Holnback
One Of My Favorites
6" x 6" Oil
$100.00 + $10.00 s/h
Strawberries are one of my favorite fruits. When they're in season I buy boxes of them!
6" x 6" Oil
$100.00 + $10.00 s/h
Strawberries are one of my favorite fruits. When they're in season I buy boxes of them!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Gloria J Zucaro's "Just A Jug"
6"h x 6"W Oil on Raymar canvas panel. Unframed. $35.00 Shipping $5.00
This is one of my pitchers or jugs. It is of simple design with little ridges up the sides. It is one of my favorite colors, aqua.
Weekly Challenge
Diane Mannion, ASPARAGUS, 6x6" oil
I'm so excited! It's my idea this week for the Weekly Challenge, check it out:
Friday, May 6, 2011
"She Looks So Different" by Sandy Bradford
6" x 6" Oil on Stretched Canvas
Good morning, all!
I am feeling in a much stronger, happier state of mind as the local community is beginning to heal. I think that my own "survivor's guilt" is under control, although sadness still permeates the air, throughout this Alabama area. Thanks again to all of you who are providing help, hope, and prayer for the thousands of tornado victims.
Last night I thought that I would again attempt a simple painting, and proceeded to set up my little green apples...couldn't resist adding a splash of red, as well. (Note to grocer: thank you for having such a wide variety of beautiful apples in stock!)
I got pretty loose with this oil painting, but enjoyed the freedom of painting outside my usual box.
Thanks for listening, and please visit often!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
"Starting with an Apple" by Sandy Bradford
6" x 6"
Oil on Stretched Canvas
In an effort to resume my schedule and get back to living life, following the recent horrific tornado devastation in Alabama, I thought a simple apple sketch painting might be a good first step.
Luckily, I happened to have a couple of my Granny Smith apples remaining, and eagerly set about toning the canvas. This simple apple became "not so simple" as I first color blocked, added details, then decided to repaint...not once, but twice!
Thanks for visiting. And special thanks to everyone who is contributing to the Alabama tornado disaster relief program...your help is much needed and sincerely appreciated.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
No Room for Me ?
30 cm x 30cm aprox. 12" x 12" oil on linen
This pretty ceramic hand painted basket I found in a charity shop and knew it would feature in a still life sooner or later, these shiny apples are competing for attention and I guess three's a crowd!
This pretty ceramic hand painted basket I found in a charity shop and knew it would feature in a still life sooner or later, these shiny apples are competing for attention and I guess three's a crowd!
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